BBRSDA Submits 404(c) Public Comment to EPA

The Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association has submitted a public comment on the EPA Region 10’s Revised Proposed Determination relating to the Pebble Deposit Area. In summary, the comment provides details on the following issues pertaining to the proposed Pebble Mine:

  1. Large scale mining activities pose a substantial risk to Bristol Bay which is the largest source of premium, wild salmon on the planet.

  2. The proposed mine would create existential risks to the commercial fishery’s economic viability if sockeye salmon were to lose its price premium versus farmed salmon due to decreased consumer demand.

  3. The true intent of mine developers is for a much larger mine, with a longer period of mining operations.

  4. The Recommended Determination should consider discharges associated with other mine infrastructure, particularly within the transportation corridor.

BBRSDA’s full public comment can be found HERE.