Seeking Advisory Panel Members

The BBRSDA Advisory Panel will be new at the start of 2023. BBRSDA is seeking 7 advisory panel members, to be advisors and fleet liaisons to the BBRSDA board. If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Panel, please submit a brief letter of interest to by December 20th, 2022.

The Advisory Panel is being created to:

(a) aid the association in discussing critical issues and finding solutions

(b) take some of the outreach workload off the BBRSDA board, in that it should be able to recruit good ideas from critics and proponents alike,

(c) act as an opportunity for possible future BBRSDA Board members to gain experience, and,

(d) give the BBRSDA a sounding board to vet and prioritize new ideas and issues related to the associations’ mission.

Advisory Panel Members:
Members of the AP are not limited to being members of the association, i.e., they do not all have to be drift permit holders.  In fact, it would be beneficial if the panel included at least one or two non-members.  To provide diversity of opinion and ideas, members of the AP should come from different roles, different groups and different locations within the Bristol Bay fishery.  AP members should be well respected, and experienced fishermen and leaders within the industry.  Qualities of members should include the following attributes: Ambassador for the fishery, Collaborator, Good Communicator, Problem Solver, Mission Steward, Trust-builder, Value Oriented, and other similar leadership traits.

Advisory Panel Member job description:   As a volunteer for the association, AP members will be expected to help the organization achieve its goals and mission.  Members will work through the Outreach Committee, to debate, develop, and help decide organizational decisions and direction.  AP members will meet via teleconference anywhere between 4 and 12 times yearly, to share information, discuss ideas and provide insights and recommendations to the Outreach Committee and thus the organization as a whole. 

The AP members do not vote or enact policy decisions, but will advise and provide feedback on particular ideas, issues or concerns for the fishery. The role of Advisory Panel member is volunteer, members are not compensated for their participation.  Each AP member must be able to work cooperatively with others and must be able to keep privileged information discussed within the panel’s deliberations confidential. 

The Advisory Panel works under the umbrella of the Outreach Committee of the BBRSDA. The Outreach Committee Chairperson presides over the AP and each member of the AP is selected by the Outreach Committee to serve a two-year period.