Literature Search: Research and Publications to Support Improved Chilling and Handling in Salmon Fisheries


Prepared by Dory Associates of Kodiak, this report is an in-depth search and summary of existing materials and research pertaining to harvester handling practices. The report identifies shortcomings of existing information as well as “next steps,” and is organized into three sections as follows:

Current Body of Research

  • Includes a literature matrix organized by type of publication (peer-reviewed articles, educational research, interactive resources, etc.) and types of research institution. Publications are coded by theme, so readers can determine quickly if they are relevant to the reader’s interest. Content summaries of publications are also provided.

Interview Findings

  • Interviews with Bristol Bay fishermen are summarized, and common practices, concerns, and observations are noted. Provides an overview of current trends, issues, and progress on improving fish quality in Bristol Bay.

Gaps in the Existing Body of Research & Potential Future Projects

  • An examination of projects that could be pursued by the BB-RSDA. Interviewees identified some of these projects, while others respond to gaps in current research.

This report identifies numerous projects and resources, produced by a broad range of entities. Along with its accompanying interview results, the paper captures the majority of publications and efforts related to improving the quality of salmon in Bristol Bay’s driftnet fishery.