2019 FisherPoets and BBRSDA Townhall

Join us in Astoria, Oregon February 22nd - 24th! We will be hosting a Townhall from 3-5pm on February 22nd, 2019 at the Hotel Elliott. The meeting is open to our members and any Bristol Bay stakeholders. The FisherPoets evening reading schedule will kick off immediately after at 5pm at 5 separate venues in Astoria. Check out the schedule here.

We will have a booth at the Cannery Museum over the weekend - please stop by and see us to learn more about our organization and programs for members. 

There will be a special event, The Good Fight: Protecting Bristol Bay from the Proposed Pebble Mine hosted by Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay at the Columbian Theater from 12-1:15pm on Saturday the 23rd. We encourage all members to attend.